
-the timeless-piano-project-


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Paul Lewis

Paul Lewis played " op. 353018" for the first time at the Erl Festival - and was thrilled...

Pierre-Laurent Aimard

In the booklet of his CD "Schubert: Ländler" Pierre-Laurent Aimard finds very special words of respect and appreciation...


Very often I am asked how I can endow grand pianos with so much sound even in acoustically unfavorable rooms. The answer is simple: sound is not magic, but physical reality - and hard, patient work. And the most important thing: listening!


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4th place goes to "Schubert: Ländler"!

THE TIMES & SUNDAY TIMES awards 4th place to an extraordinary recording on its list of the 20 best classical albums of 2024...

States of longing, suffering and happiness

RONDO, the classical music & jazz magazine, celebrates Pierre-Laurent Aimard's "Schubert: Ländler" and the melancholy of "353018“...

"Pierre-Laurent Aimard can host my Schubertiads anytime!" celebrates Pierre-Laurent Aimard's "Schubert: Ländler" and awards two 10/10 scores...


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"And you get the feeling that a real person is making real music."

In his capacity as sound engineer for Fabian Müller's CDs "Passionato" and "31", Johannes Kammann was responsible for much more than just the good sound...

"Sound can ruin everything quite easily!"

Fabian Müller, professor at the Hochschule für Musik Köln, has already recorded several CDs on our piano duo "353018". With him I dive into a world of old colors and sounds and learn about the similarities between a grand piano and a tennis racket. And I marvel at his feeling that it never sounds quite the way he wants it to...

"Now it's time to cook!"

Till Dönch has been working in the music management business in Vienna for four decades. I learn unknown facts from him about his “secret service” activities and I uncover mysterious parallels to his famous agent colleague James Bond...


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The voices after the voices. Get in touch with our protagonists...