All good things…

-the timeless-piano-project-

On November 21, 2020, Veronika Morscher, Pablo Held and Pierre-Laurent Aimard gave our “docile pupil” his first lessons in the Stadtgarten in Cologne.

And that of all things the premiere of our “Op. 615313 ”was recorded in sound and image by the WDR, is a very special pleasure and will make this day unforgettable.

A few minutes before the first KLAENG: the “615313” is waiting for Pierre-Laurent Aimard. Photo: Frederik Köster

“Camera is running!”: Pablo Held at “615313”. Photo: Frederik Köster

At this point I would like to thank the WDR 3 Jazz & World editorial team, Ms. Tinka-Jennifer Koch, Maren Wessels and Jörg Maas for the great help and the kind permission to use the audio, video and image files!

Veronika Morscher

Pablo Held

Pierre-Laurent Aimard